Thursday, August 18, 2011

What’s the Common Thread Here?

While President Obama was touring lily white flyover country in his Canadian built bus, talking up buying American to put people back to work, the Congressional Black Caucus led by Congress-monster Maxine Waters have been conducting a jobs fair tour in places like Cleveland, Detroit, Miami, Atlanta, and Los Angeles.

Waters made headlines at the Detroit stop when she was quoted as saying; “We don’t put pressure on the president,” said Waters to cheers and jeers as people interrupted at will and yelled at her. “Let me tell you why. We don‘t put pressure on the president because ya’ll love the president. You love the president. You’re very proud…to have a black man [in the White House] …First time in the history of the United States of America. If we go after the president too hard, you’re going after us.”

She then told the fired-up crowd that voters must “unleash” the Democrats on Obama before criticizing him for not visiting any “black community” during his bus tour: “When you tell us it‘s alright and you unleash us and you tell us you’re ready for us to have this conversation, we’re ready to have the conversation. The Congressional Black Caucus loves the president too. We‘re supportive of the president but we’re getting tired ya’ll…we’re getting tired. And so, what we want to do is…we want to give the president every opportunity to show what he can do and what he’s prepared to lead on. We want to give him every opportunity…but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don’t know what the strategy is. We don‘t know why on this trip that he’s in the United States now, he’s not in any black community…we don’t know that.”

I thought it was kind of interesting that the CBC chose these five cities to hold their job fairs. What do these five cities have in common? They have largely been run by Democrat Mayors for much of their history!

Look at the amazing electoral history of these cities and it’s easy to grasp the long term problems faced by their residents. The tour kicked off in Cleveland Ohio, a city that elected a Democrat 8 out of the past 10 Mayors, dating back to 1946; including Dennis “Spaceman” Kucinich! Need I say more?

Detroit, has had a Democrat Mayor for the past 49 years, dating back to 1962. Miami has had a Democrat Mayor every year since 1947, 64 years. Atlanta has elected 9 Mayors since 1942, all of them Democrats. Oddly enough it’s Los Angeles that has the most varied Mayoral past mixing both Democrat and Republican Mayors, but with the 20 year tenure of Tom Bradley dominating the cities recent history.

If you have any common sense it has to raise the question, why would voters, facing long term, deeply ingrained problems like unemployment, crime, drugs, poverty…you get the idea; continue to elect Democrats, hoping for a different outcome? Isn’t that the definition of insanity?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dumb and Dumber

Just when you thought liberals couldn't get any dumber comes this from Obama's Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack: "Well, obviously, it's putting people to work. Which is why we're going to have some interesting things in the course of the forum this morning. Later this morning, we're going have a press conference with Secretary Mavis and Secretary Chu to announce something that's never happened in this country -- something that we think is exciting in terms of job growth.

Yes...this really is Obama's Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack. Amazing.

I should point out, when you talk about the SNAP program or the food stamp program, you have to recognize that it's also an economic stimulus. Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, someone has to stock it, package it, shelve it, process it, ship it. All of those are jobs. It's the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can Anyone Really Be This Stupid?

At the daily press gaggle at the White House, Obama’s mouth piece Jay Carney got into it with a Wall Street Journal reporter and had this to say about unemployment checks

“It is one of the most direct ways to infuse money directly into the economy because people who are unemployed and obviously aren’t running a paycheck are going to spend the money that they get. They’re not going to save it, they’re going to spend it. And with unemployment insurance, that way, the money goes directly back into the economy, dollar for dollar virtually.”

Following this twisted logic; given all of the people who have been collecting unemployment checks during the Obama presidency, if unemployment checks really did create jobs, then wouldn’t our unemployment rate be below 5% rather than hanging where it’s been for months, above 9%?!

Can anyone really be this stupid?

 Oh…wait a minute…then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said this of unemployment benefits back in July of 2010… “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.”

I guess the short answer is…yes…Democrats really can be that stupid!

If unemployment checks really created jobs…then why work? Don’t you want to help the economy?